Join Us

Why not join us and be a Patron of Friends of Liam Foundation?

You can sponsor a child through a Speech or Occupational Therapy Programme tailored to meet the specific needs of the child. At Friends of Liam through your donations we will set up a programme for a child to receive a speech or occupational therapy programme for a full year. The cost of any programme will vary depending on the level of help required but each child will receive at least one hour of one on one speech or occupational therapy per week for a meaningful time frame.  The typical cost of such a programme is €4,000 per child per year.

As a Patron a donation of €4000 will have directly paid for the therapy programme costs for a child through speech and/or occupational therapy. As a Patron you will have directly improved the quality of life of a child and their family.

For €2,000 we will group two donations together and directly pay for the therapy programme costs for a child through speech and/or occupational therapy, you will have without any doubt improved the quality of life and day to day coping mechanisms of a child and their family.

All donations of all values make a difference as every therapy session between a child and therapist makes a difference. Friends of Liam will group all donations from all level patrons whether companies, community groups or individuals to create therapy programmes for children to aid their communication skills, mobility skills, social skills and real day to day life coping skills. Each and every donation directly improves the quality of life of a child. We know from experience that early intervention makes such a difference to a child’s coping skills and progression.


Wall of Friends